Friday, January 26, 2007

Locke Stuck In The Hatch

A couple of days ago, Jess and I looked in on one of our fish, Locke, a beta, after we got home from work. Soon after feeding time, there was a realization that Locke was not coming up for food, as usual. As an inspection ensued there was the awful realization that the fish had gotten stuck in the hole at the bottom of a small terra cotta pot (which we refer to as "The Hatch") at the bottom of the tank. It had gone halfway through, realized it couldn't make it, freaked out, gills expanded in frustration and was then prevented from getting back out.

I pulled the jar from the tank and relocated Locke and the jar to a sink while we attempted to resolve the situation. The fish could not be persuaded by force, leaving the only other option I could think of...


But when that didn't work...

The use of the hammer and a pair of pliers was a surprise success and Locke was set free from his ceramic prison! Total damage to the fish: scraped scales, chafed side fins and torn gills. Not to mention the psychological damage (he is quite spastic now). Two days later the fish appears to be in relatively decent health. He is now eating slowly (solid foods), slightly irritable and has a mysterious fear of cameras.
Overall condition: Stable

1 comment:

Daisy Church said...

poor locke!!!! i've had fish get themselves stuck between the marbles and the clay pot, but never in the hole... glad he sounds safe and sound! bettas are tough cookies if you give them the right conditions...

i love the drawing- made me laugh! glad that it worked, even if it does sound a bit horrifiying!