Sunday, May 20, 2007

A Visit to the Hill of Foot

Just before my trip to Iowa, I got the chance to go up to the jobsite for the projects I have been on at work. One of them is nearing completion and I took the opportunity to take a lot of photos around the college campus where they are located. It is always quite an experience seeing architecture in person that I personally had a hand in. One thing i will never get over with this project is the sense of scale. I can look at images, renderings and drawings all day of these structures, but until you are standing right there in the midst of it all you have no idea what the space feels like.

This first composite image here is between two of the buildings that will act as a student center...

The next few are capturing details and elements that I found truly beautiful while standing there. They give you a taste of some of the spaces that have been crafted.

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