Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Non-Solvang Photos

Here are a few photos that I took on our trip to Solvang this past weekend. None of the photos, however are from or around the actual town of Solvang. Perhaps next time I will find inspiration in sausage, danishes and clogs...


Daisy Church said...

I love that first photo, but can't for the life of me figure out how you took it!! (is that a billboard in front of the bench?) It's confusing but so fascinating! : )

Daisy Church said...

Ahhh! I figured it out! See, I was looking at the first picture like you it was looking down (like over the edge of cliff), but looking at it more carefully, I see it's a hillside rising up past the cliff.

It's like that box optical illusion where you can shift your eyes to see it coming towards you or going away : ) it's very nifty!

Bill H. said...

I missed the angle on the first picture and had to look at it again. Nice perspective shots on the other two.