Haven't made a post in over a week, but have been dealing with computer issues.... which is no longer a viable excuse! Finally got a new computer! Finally got a scanner! Never again do I have to post my sketches from modified digital photos!
Heres a couple quick post-its doodles from over the weekend. Nothing fancy, just trying to get back on a roll...
Another in the series... Not quite as successful as some of the others, mostly due to some of the pieces getting jacked up in the cutting. But, you learn and move on.
This drawing started as a scribble drawing, but turned out a bit different than I was expecting when I went in and hard-lined it. I think it lost something in the translation between mediums, though definately worth exploring further...
Another scribble, done on the train today, with a felt tip pen. The emboldening of lines from the initial scribble and application of texture and infill, while somewhat selective, only reinforces the original gesture, which was not a completely conscious mark.
I had started another scribble drawing over the weekend, but never got around to finishing it. When I opened the ol' sketchbook today, it looked pretty cool just the way it was, so I post it as-is. I think these things are starting to look like Rorschach tests.
I see an amazonian insect that just at her mate's head after coitus.
Another scribble drawing. This one is in ball-point pen (this really seems a formidable medium for these drawings) . I am also surprised that I am able to keep the lines relatively smooth on the bumpy train ride.
These are sketches/doodles from the last couple of days. These two were from two seperate days, drawn with seperate pens, but right next to each other. They aren't meant to look like anything in particular, but in a way they resemble each other.
Finally! I have caught up with all of the posting that I have been meaning to do over the last week but couldn't due to computer problems, giant post-birthday hangover and good old-fashioned lack of time. At least I haven't been idle!
Here are a few more collage studies that I whipped up over the last couple days. I know I said that I was going to stop doing these, but I just can't seem to help myself.
I knocked out a couple more small strip collages over the weekend. They turned out alright. I was more excited about the technique I worked out on the second one. These were made in the series of small collages that I have been making lately, and were both 3.5" x 2.5". The intent is to just make a ton of these things. They are averaging a day or two a piece at this size.
Another study for a collage. Smaller seperate parts become one larger whole. Like those little slidey puzzles you have as a kid. Hey, now THERE's an idea!